"Leaves sing as they fall, not afraid of the dying. Make room for new life... My soul now can fly through the space surrender made, far up to the heights."
Surrender. That's quite a word. As I really ponder the depth of it, I feel my flesh fighting as my humanity compells me to remain in control, to know the plans, to make a way for myself, to fight to be understood, and the hardest one, to live by the validation I receive in the things I do. There is a deep longing in us to be known, to be successful, fruitful, and for our lives to mean something.
As I look at the fall trees, they are changing from a uniform collective of green companions to individual displays of color and beauty. Furthermore, they are shedding their truest colors and in a few short weeks will stand barren through the winter.
I saw this tree and God began to speak to me. Do I believe I am enough, validated, loved even when I shed all of my leaves, all the outside accomplishments and titles I carry and just stand bare before the creator of me?
Surrender says I trust you, just as the trees wait patiently for spring to come. They rejoice and live in every season- even the coldest, fruitless, and sometimes hardest season of winter.
I want to be like them. I want to make room in the act of surrender for God to move, to speak, for him to show me things I could not see when the forest canopy was full and green. I want to see the sunset even when I'm deep in the wood. I want to sit with him, snowed in, spending time, to listen to the lessons he has for me and the new songs he wants to give to me.
The thing I love about songwriting and creating music is that God breathes it into my heart and the layers of truth and beauty behind the words he gives just keep unfolding. That is how I feel about this project. I am challenged to the core even as we release this album tomorrow to trust him completely. I am challenged to not be defined by my fruit alone but to know in the core of my being that I am HIS creation. I am his child. I am challenged to surrender all my leaves to the wind, may they sing as they fall, and I will stand rejoicing in the winter.
"... Our roots they will grow. We don't grow weary in hope; we know spring will come. Make room for the sky."
Michael and I mean it with out whole hearts when we say that we hope this music means something to you and touches your heart in a deep way. We are honored that you would take the time to listen to the songs we create and treasure so much.
Here are the full lyrics to the title track (and our personal favorite song from the album) "Make Room for the Sky."