I love waves. They are a thing of beauty to behold on a quite morning on the eastern Carolina shore, especially at sunrise when the light dances across them making a road of gold strait to the horizon. I’ve also known waves to be thing of terror- especially as a little child as I walked out into them alone for the first time and got knocked down and about by them, or to see them raging, tall and wild in a storm.
A sunrise in May on a weekend trip I took with my mamma
This morning I awoke thinking of waves. I felt that the moment I opened my eyes to faint morning light coming in my window, I was hit with waves of worry. I did not even have a chance to rub the sleep from my eyes before I was already knocked around a bit by the thoughts of things unfinished, unknown, and hard that I must face today.
Then I realized, waves of worry come and knock us about but there are also beautiful waves of the Lord’s love and truth that come. They come steady, as sure as they keep coming on that shoreline I love. They wash over my feet, and then I go further in and I touch them with my hands. Then I just jump in and wade among them, and I am wet through and through as I float and rest in their rhythm.
God is inviting us to come to the shoreline, to come to His presence, in prayer, in worship, and to let His waves of love wash away what the worry has done. He has truth and hope for us to hold onto to in our days.
A sunrise at Myrtle Beach this past January
It really hit me this morning, God is real, and He is so good, and we can walk in relationship with him. When we open our eyes in the morning and the waves of worry come, He is there.
Here is an amazing verse that speaks to this:
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; (like the waves coming to the shore) they are new every morning; (like the sunrise each new day) great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.”
-Lamentations 3:22-25
Me, my coffee, and another beautiful sunrise on a cold winter morning.
May the waves of the Lord’s love wash over you today, and may they be sweeter, stronger, and more real then the waves of worry and fear.
If you have never felt this love of the Lord in a real way, I encourage you with all my heart, go to him. Ask the Lord in prayer to show His love to you in a real way and I believe He will- or please come to me or someone else in your life who can pray with you and talk to you more about knowing Jesus and walking with Him.